Waiting waiting waiting waiting. It's so annoying. I'm still thinking about it a lot, but maybe not quite as much as the first time. I think maybe that's because I feel like it won't work. This is of course tempered by my wondering if any small feeling in my uterus area might be a sign that something is working. But overall, I think I've mostly convinced myself that I won't get pregnant this time. Which will of course make it all the more shocking if it turns out I am. Only three more days before I can start early testing. Although of course on day 8 there is a 67% chance of a false negative, so it's not at all a good sign. But it's the first day that I feel I can start testing on. Then one a day until the day I'm supposed to. By day 10 for example, the chance of a false negative drops to 33%. I just find it helpful to feel like I can be doing something.
I also need to remember to go to the GP on Thursday for a progesterone test. I'm not entirely sure why I need to get this test for an IUI. I'm not even sure anyone looked at it the first cycle. At least at my GP they mostly manage to get my blood out on the first try. I think I may have sorted out part of the reason for the problem at the clinic though. I usually cycle to the clinic and when I cycle for more than 15 minutes, I tend to lose circulation in my hands (my fingers go numb). So I wonder if this isn't related to why they have trouble getting blood out there. Not that there's much I can do about it!
Anyway. I don't have much to say here at the moment. Just getting on with normal life things trying not to think about if I might be pregnant while I wait for the day I can start testing.
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