Friday, July 29, 2016

65dpo 11w5d - Results are in!

No aneuploids. And it's a girl!!!!!

Every test marker came back as not detected, so the lowest risk. I'm so relieved.

And I am so excited to be having a girl!! It was my slight preference, although obviously I wouldn't have really cared either way. So I guess I can be official now! I've been toying with whether or not I do some sort of announcement. They don't seem as common here in the UK as the States, but a lot of my friends, etc. are far away and really won't otherwise know unless through a very long grapevine. Anyway, I have time to think about it. I wonder if I can finally relax about this pregnancy just a little??

Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


  1. So lucky you got a girl! Even though sex selection is not legal in my country, I am hoping that they can see which ones are boys and girls and give me a girl too. I've been told they know which one is which but don't tell you.

  2. Thank you for visiting and for your comment. I definitely wanted a girl, but I was very prepared to adapt to the idea of a little boy. Many of my friends have had boys and they are truly lovely. When it came down to it, what I wanted was a baby/family so I would have been thrilled either way, I'm just extra thrilled to be having a girl! :)
