Thursday, February 11, 2016

IUI 1 - First scan scheduled

I am feeling a little bit less freaked out than I was yesterday.  Though still not entirely comfortable.  My period is not being very helpful this month.  Yesterday I had the barest bit of color and today it seems much the same.  No 'full flow' as it were.  I called the clinic and they said that they want the first scan to be between day 1-4 and that it really needs to be once full flow has started.  So they scheduled me for first thing Monday morning.  If my period starts in full tomorrow, this would still be day 4.  The nurse reassured me that there is a problem starting too early, not too late, so Monday would be fine.  I am of course now concerned that Monday is late somehow.  Funny how the brain works.

In other news, after my panic yesterday I did try to talk (text) a friend of mine who has been through years of fertility issues.  I was not particularly happy with how she responded to me.  Very terse and dismissive.  Of course I've supported her through her years of ups and downs.  With her experience, you'd think she might have been a bit more sympathetic.  It just means I can't really rely on her for talking which sort of sucks.  I also briefly mentioned my emotional state to the boyfriend.  To his credit he handled it well.  I'm trying to keep him in the loop and not put too much on him, as I said, he's barely processing his own emotions about it.  But he did okay.

I'm also trying to set up some acupuncture appointments.  I'm a bit late to the game here and I should have started earlier.  I could go for one today but I'd have to leave work early.  The next available appointment is next Saturday which is perhaps a bit late for it to be in any way effective this cycle, for as effective as acupuncture is.  Unless I go somewhere else of course.  I had some good experiences with it during egg freezing and I'm keen to do it again because I think it can't hurt and if it helps, great.  So we'll see how that goes.  At least I'm being reasonably good at taking my conception vitamins at the moment!  I can't say I'm the best at 'all the things you should do when trying to conceive'.  I'm trying.


  1. Good luck Kayla. I am single, turning 39 in October and I am considering this path soon too.

    I have been going on lots of dates lately but feeling like I don't want to take the risk of losing another year on the wrong person.

    Maybe it is time for a break from the dating and get on with what I want the most now.

    I'm looking forward to reading about your journey!


  2. Thanks Sarah! The way I see it, at 40, life is hardly over. Okay, maybe the first 5 are spend mostly with child, but then dating is still on the table! I never think of it as one or the other, just what I need to do for me right now.
