How can it only be day 3? This is ridiculous. My brain has scrambled over all of the possible permutations and my emotions are being tossed about like a little dinghy on a rough sea. What if I am? What if I'm not? Of course I'm not. I'll probably never be. What if I am? Repeat.
I've joined a couple of forum/discussion group things which are both helpful and unhelpful. Unhelpful because I now see a cadre of women pursuing single motherhood; and, because of how the boards are broken down I'm in the 'Trying to Conceive' group. Once a woman is pregnant, she may move to the pregnancy discussion boards. This means the women in 'Trying to Conceive' are all, well, trying to conceive. And that some have been at it for quite some time. I see women who have had 6 IUI or more and numerous IVF attempts and frozen embryo transfers. This is perhaps a bit disheartening as I've only had one measly IUI. Of course those who have moved on may not have as many tries, but they aren't on the boards I'm tending to read at the moment.
Then in reading older posts, I saw someone had posted a link to an article that talks about how after you turn 35, the likelihood of embryos with abnormal chromosomal numbers increased regularly. So of course since I'm 41 this was also disheartening and made me think that there is simply no chance that this is going to work at all.
But then I was on Facebook and I saw that a number of people I know who are similarly aged to me have babies. So it's not so unusual among my peer group to be late 30's, early 40's and be having your first child.
As I said, this is only day 3 for fuck's sake.
I'm already trying to determine how it will work to immediately start the next cycle. According to the clinic, my period is due on the 9th of March (if it's coming). They want me to take a pregnancy test regardless of bleeding on the 11th of March. I am unfortunately away from home on the 10th, 11th, and 12th. This means that it may not be possible for me to arrange a drug delivery in time, or go for my first scan in time to start the next cycle for March. If my period comes later than the 9th, for example on the 10th or 11th, I could go for a scan on Monday the 14th which will be day 4 or 5 of that cycle. I could also call in advance so the drugs are delivered to my office on that Monday and be set to inject that evening. However, if my period starts on the 9th, Monday will be day 6 and I think this is too late for the first scan, although obviously I will check with the clinic. So I'm hoping that, assuming this cycle has not been successful, my period sticks to it's somewhat longer schedule and comes a bit later in that week and not earlier as I don't really want to delay by a month. But obviously I will if I have to.
Wouldn't it all be so much easier (for any number of reasons) if this first cycle actually worked? Wouldn't that be amazing??
But, it probably hasn't.
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