Good grief!! I just got called by the clinic to tell me that in June they do a major clean of the lab and facilities and shut down. this means I can't cycle in June. However, my frozen eggs are now in Cambridge, my drugs are being delivered today, and, most importantly, my period has yet to arrive. This means I could start this month, like in the next couple of days. Holy crap! Just when I was settling in to having a month off, it's all systems go!
This is great, except for one small thing that I have a serious work conflict on the 26/27 of this month. If I go by my egg collection cycles, my eggs were retrieved on day 16 or 17. If you add 5 or 6 days for blastocyst transfer, this is squarely around the time of the work conflict, but could just miss it. That's going to be the only stressful thing. I suppose the best thing would be for my period to hold off for another couple or few days to put me well past it? Anyway, it's going to be tricky, but I'm definitely not waiting until July.
I'm actually really excited about starting straight away although I was also fine with waiting a month. No more alcohol or caffeine for me though! I suppose it's not great that I've been indulging this month, although not so much, so that's not so terrible.
I'm actually sort of just really excited to be trying this month. I'm going to try not to stress about the scheduling conflict until my period arrives. Speaking of which, maybe I need to go to the bathroom.
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