So anyway, the scan was fine. The nurse who did it had a little bit of trouble with their new equipment because it wouldn't get to where she could tag the follicles. This meant I had the wand in me for a while until she managed to reboot the machine and finally get it it to work. It also means though I got a pretty good look at the ovary. So far so good. The Gonal F is clearly working even though I'm not feeling anything yet. I had around 7 follicles that were all 9.5-10.5mm, so that was great. The ideal is for them all to be around the same size and they generally were. It was clear at that magnification which ones were slightly bigger, but anyway, that was good, and there's still pretty much the rest of this week to go and for things to continue to grow and change. In addition, my uterine lining also looked good. The nurse was very positive and pleased, so that made me happy.
Of course I don't want to get my hopes up too high because in the last two of my egg freezing cycles, I had I think 9 and then 7 follicles and then only got 4 and then 3 mature eggs. So even though seven sounds exciting, I'm trying to preparing for a low return.
My next scan is on Wednesday, and then I've already got one scheduled for Friday. By Friday it should be clear if I'm coming in for a scan on Monday or if I trigger or what. I'm still thinking that based on previous egg freezing cycles that my egg retrieval will be next Wednesday, but we'll see. I did ask this morning about this process as they require someone to take you home and stay with you (for 24 hours - or anyway that's what they say). A friend of mine has offered to collect me in her car and stay with me for the afternoon, but she can't come until noon give or take. However, I saw in the reading they gave me that they want the person who is going to take you home to be there from the start. Well that's crazy- I can't just have random friends taking all day off work to sit around for a few hours while I have a procedure!! It's hard enough to get people to be able to take time off to collect me at the right time! This is for sure one of those times where I get very frustrated with the single mother element, and I also was frustrated during the egg freezing process. Having been looking at doulas recently, I wonder if this isn't a service they should maybe consider starting to offer. I'll deal with it, but it's annoying. And now I have to wait to find out if I need someone there 'all day' or if someone can just come at the end. I don't want to ask the boyfriend as I think it will upset him. Also, he doesn't have a car, so I'd have to book a taxi at which point I get annoyed about why I have to have anyone with me to begin with. But I will work it out.
In other news I was at a dinner on Saturday night with some of my students who were graduating this weekend. I had 1/4 a glass of wine. I'm not going to kill myself over this. I've been very good at taking all of my vitamins and morning pills, etc. 1/4 glass of wine is not going to make a difference!
Oh yeah, and I've started taking the Ogalutran which is Ganirelex (which I didn't know) in the morning. I like that it comes in pre-filled syringes unlike the Cetrotide I had to mix and took during the egg freezing cycles. However, it stings a bit after injecting it which I don't like as much. For some reason the shots this cycle have all been more bothersome and often quite pokey. Occasionally I get one in where I really can't feel it, but more often than not they feel pretty sharp. Annoying!
Anyway, next update Wednesday I imagine.
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