Back from the clinic and resting at home now. Let me jump ahead to the fantastic news that they collected 9 eggs!! I can't believe it. I mean, I really can't believe it! When I did the egg freezing 3 years ago, I never got that many out of any cycle. I know they may not all be mature or able to be fertilized, but I'm incredibly pleased with this result.
So this morning I was feeling anxious and woke up pretty early because I knew I had to take an antibiotic at 7:30am and the taxi was coming at 7:45. I think I was awake by 6:00 and was definitely not going back to sleep. I didn't really have anything to do, because I had plenty of time. I put a bag together because I didn't know how long I'd be at the clinic waiting for my friend to pick me up. So I had some snacks and my kindle.
Anyway, I got to the clinic and I was clearly the only person there for a procedure which was fine. And I was first in the morning, and I was early. So they were still getting everything put together for the day. I didn't mind, I'd rather be early than late! I eventually got shown through to the recovery area where they gave me some tylenol to take and had me change into the hospital gowns (one on backwards and then one as a jacket/cover up that you take off. Various people came through to talk to me and in preparation for the procedure. There was a consultant doing the retrieval itself, and then I think a registrar observing. There were possibly two nurses, the anesthetist, and a midwife who has recently joined the practice also observing. So a fairly crowded room! I hopped up on the table and the first thing that had to happen was the anesthetist had to get a cannula in me. This was, of course, a problem and took her a while and 3 tries to get in. One sort of went in so she gave me some phenobarbital (I think), but it wasn't good enough. However, that dose made me relax a bit so I felt nice and cozy. Eventually she got one in my other hand/arm and we were ready to proceed. They stuck some monitoring pads on me and had me scoot down the table. Once I was basically in position, they must have given me the drug because I was out. I might have vaguely remembered a speculum going in, but the next thing I knew I was having pleasant dreams and was coming alert back in recovery.
I felt completely fine and relaxed. I think when I come out of sedation I tend to be happy. I don't know why. I think this happened before. Maybe it's some sort of relief that it's over? Anyway, my alertness levels were quickly coming back and I just snuggled into the bed while they checked on my oxygen, blood pressure, etc. Again various people came in and out, some to talk to me. The midwife who was watching over me said that when she left the theater with me, they had collected 5 eggs. So I was already pretty pleased with that result, but she said they still had more to look through. Eventually the consultant came through and said that they had 9 eggs. I mean I really couldn't believe it.
Later the embryology team came through and we confirmed my plans for the next steps and when they would be calling me with information. I hope not to hear from them today, because if I don't that means everything is basically okay. I will only hear from them if none or almost none of the 6 eggs defrost, or if none or almost none of the eggs are mature. Otherwise, they'll perform the ICSI later this afternoon and call me tomorrow to let me know how many fertilized. Everyone seemed very positive, and I feel pretty positive, so right now the positivity levels are high. I know there are many things that can go wrong between now and a transfer, but given everything, it seems like I have the best chances I could have at this stage, so that has to be a good thing.
Meanwhile, I'm home relaxing now and taking it easy. In an hour or so they said I could take more pain medication if I want to. We'll see how I feel. Fingers crossed I don't get a phone call until tomorrow. I'm sure I'll think of more to write about the various questions I asked people, but I thought I'd get all this part down for now!
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